Get Involved with the Bedminster Democrats
We invite you to join us by attending our monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Historical Room at the Clarence Dillon Public Library. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:30 PM. For those unable to attend in person, or if the weather prohibits, you may join us via Zoom and simply email us at info@bedminsterdems.org for the meeting link.
We do encourage everyone to come out to join us at the library - especially if you’re new to the area and would like to meet us and get involved with our cause. We’d love to see some new faces; we’re always open to new ideas and would certainly value your input. Please feel free to send us an email if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
As always, donations are greatly appreciated. Please use the button below to donate.